Shoe Care Tips
Running shoes can withstand a good amount of abuse, but they won't last forever. They take a beating under your feet and combat the outdoor elements from extreme heat to freezing temperatures. It's important to replace your shoes when their life cycle has ended because they're no longer protecting your feet and joints. As we all know, good running shoes can cost a pretty penny, so it's important to keep them in tip-top shape. Follow these tips to get the most out of your shoes.
Buy An Extra Pair
Yes, you only wear one pair of shoes at a time, but rotating out two pairs will not only make your shoes last longer, but will allow them to rest. It takes about 48 hours for the foam insoles to stretch back out to their original state.
Space Them Out
Do you throw all your shoes in your closet or on a crowded rack? Give your shoes their own room to breathe and don't stack them on top of each other. Otherwise you risk crushing them, which will cause the shoes to break down over time.
Keep a Log
Make note of a new shoe purchase. If you don't regularly track miles then periodically estimate total miles you have run. A shoe has reached the end of its life cycle at 500 miles.
Let Them Dry
Your shoes are bound to get wet at some point. It's important to let wet shoes dry out properly. If you find yourself caught in a downpour, once home, place your shoes in a cool dry place, take out the insoles and stuff them with newspaper to absorb excess water.
Always Hand Wash
Avoid putting shoes in the the washing machine. Shoes are not meant for the harsh cycle of washing and drying. Use baby wipes for minor cleaning. For messier shoes, run the bottom of the shoes under warm running water and use a toothbrush and dish soap to scrub away any soiled spots. Set the shoes aside to air dry.
Keep In Mind
- Try different shoes every year. As our bodies are always changing, so are specific needs for footwear.
- Don't judge a shoe by the way it looks, try out multiple pairs and weigh your options from there.
- The midsole is typically the first part of the shoe to break down. Take out the insoles and check the footbed for wear and tear.